For authors - Submission instruction

 | Post date: 2017/07/2 | 

Authors Guide
Journal of Torbat Heydariyeh University of Medical Sciences is a peer reviewed journal published in electronic format by Torbat Heydarieh University of Medical Sciences. Published quarterly in bilingual format (Persian-abstracts in English), it focuses on scientific papers in various fields of Medical Sciences. The formats accepted by the journal include original research, review article, systematic review, case report, technical note and letter to editor.
   From the perspective of the editorial board of the journal, the novelty of the study subject and its strength in terms of procedure, and applicability of the research findings is of high importance. 
Writing guidelines for the main parts of each article, according to the paper type, is as follows:
1- Original Research Articles
A) Quantitative Research
B) Qualitative Research
2- Review Article
3- Short Communication
4- Case Studies
5- Letter to Editor
1- Original Research Articles
A) Quantitative Research
This article should include title page, abstract, introduction, methods, results, discussion, conclusions, acknowledgments, references, the abstract in English and attachments (tables, charts, and pictures). Original research articles should not exceed 4000 words and 30 references.
Title Page
The title page should include the full title of paper, name and surname, rank and scientific degree, field of study, the university and city of each of the authors and phone number, fax number, address and email address of the responsible author who the correspondence and calls will be going to.
Abstract (in both Persian and English) should be drafted in separate pages in structured format. The number of words in the Abstract should not exceed 300 words. The abstract should have no references and abbreviations, and should represent all the concepts and content of the article. Moreover, the Persian and English Abstracts should have conformity.
The abstract should be set as follows:
Background and Purpose: This section must contain two to three sentences on the importance and necessity of the study or summarizing review of the literature for the purpose of the study. Also the purpose should be a clear statement, measurable or accessible and must be expressed equally in other parts of the article.
Methods: should include general information about the Study Type, population and sample, data collection methods and tools, as well as the time and type of intervention.
Results: should be proportionate to the aim of the study and the result of each study group should be expressed separately with statistical tests used along with their results, factors and confidence interval.
Conclusion: In this section the findings' definite conclusion plus the recommendations and implications of the results section should be expressed. Conclusions should not merely echo study findings.
Key words: The number of keywords should be between 3 and 5, and developed based on the MESH.
English Abstract of paper should be set in the form of the following components:
Methods, background and Aim, Results, conclusion and keywords
Original research Articles text should be prepared in the form of the following components:
This section should be presented in a way that she scientific background and reasoning is prepared for the study, also it is necessary that the purpose or main research question be expressed explicitly in the end of the Introduction.
It is necessary that the methods cover, study type, study location, duration of sampling, type of exposure, follow-up and data collection, population and the research sample, sample size, sampling procedures, inclusion and exclusion criteria of the study, condition of the sample selection and its rational, data collection procedures and explaining the tool which was used, statistical software and statistical tests used to analyze the data, and the reasons for their application.
1. If using a questionnaire, the response rate should be mentioned in the beginning of the results.
2. Demographic specifications must be presented at the beginning of the results.
3. If using descriptive statistics, it is necessary that the abundance and frequency percentage, both be noted.
4. Repetition of the results simultaneously in the table and text should be avoided.
5. If the results are presented in the form of tables, the number of results should not exceed 3 tables.
It is necessary that the discussion includes following points:
1. The author refers to the study objectives and also summarizes the key findings.
2. The author’s argument of differences and similarities of the present study and reviewed studies must be explained.
3. Discussing any new findings that have not been mentioned in the results must be avoided.
4. A general and cautious interpretation of the results must be provided by taking into account the objectives, limitations, multiplicity of statistical analyses, the results of similar studies and other relevant evidence,.
5. The generalizability (external validity) of results should be discussed.
6. Practical suggestions should be provided based on the results of the current study and future studies.
At the end of the article, in a part called Conclusion, the final message of the article which is actually the practical result of the article, has to be stated clearly in one or 2 paragraphs.
B) Quantitative Research Articles
Including title, abstract (consisting of Introduction or the original research questions, research methods, data analyses, findings and conclusions), Introduction, analyses methods, findings, discussion and conclusions.
Quantitative Research should not exceed 4000 words and 30 references.
2- Review Articles
Includes 2 types of articles; systematic review and narrative review
A) Systematic Reviews
These articles should include an introduction (purpose and field of study), review methods including sources and data analysis methods, results, discussion and conclusions.
This section must include the field and the cause of the study, and, the theoretical or conceptual framework of the phenomenon being studied.
Review methods: Review methods should include following parts:
1. Objective: express purpose/goals of the review include: Title of the research/ questions / assumptions or hypotheses.
2. Study design: involves determining the type of review (describe the design and methods used and reference resources)
3. Search methods: including search strategy / inclusion and exclusion criteria, searched databases, keywords, the language of the literature reviewed, plus mentioning the date of searched studies.
4. Quality rating: contains a description of the methods used and the reasons for selection or exclusion in study & the audition criteria.
5. Method of summarizing data: summarizing the review of selected studies in reviewed and excluded studies in separate tables. In this part, systematic review should be a description of the process/processes.
6. Synthesis: This section contains descriptions of the processes used to synthesize results.
Review results should be reported using proper headings and descriptions of conceptual or theoretical concepts presented in the texts.
It is necessary to begin discussions with the strengths and weaknesses of the evidence and then to draw attention to the theoretical and practical use of the findings in the systematic review.
It is necessary that the conclusions be presented based on the practical application of the findings.
B) Narrative Review
Narrative reviews are accepted from scientifically-qualified authors and the number of cited sources should not be less than 50 cases. Like the original articles, they are structured and include an introduction (purpose of the study, review methods and data sources), findings and conclusions.
Review articles should include at most 7000 words and 50 references.
3- Short Communication
Short Communication has the same structure as the research papers; the difference being that the research findings of such studies are few. Paper size should be around 2000 to 2500 words and include at most 2 tables and 15 references.
4- Case Studies
These articles should be developed based on observation of a specific professional case or cases that offer a special look and cognition. They should include the title, abstract, (Persian and English), Introduction, Case presentation, Discussion, sources and documentations. It is necessary for the important points of interest to be presented as scientific and educational messages.
Case Studies should not exceed  1000 to 1500 words and include at most 2 tables and 15 references.
5- Letters to the Editor
Letters to Editor should be written in 600 words regarding the articles or journal entries, valuable initiatives in the performing of professional duties, valuable experiences, challenges and contemporary problems in health and related to the journal's intended priorities. This journal reserves the right to publish these kinds of letters.
Letters to the Editor should not exceed 600 words .
Articles setup guide
General principles
1. The official language of the journal is Persian
2. It is necessary that in a covering letter, authors pledges that the article has not been published (fully or partially) in any of the publications inside or outside the country and that it has not been sent to other journals at the same time, and that all the authors involved are aware of the submission and publication of the article. To complete the commitment form see :
3. Article Submission to the Journal should be done strictly by the responsible author in the form of two files of the relevant article with and without name and specification along with the covering letter. It should be sent online only through the journal website: The journal will not receive articles via regular or electronic mail.
4. Abbreviation of specific names or words in text, tables and so on is based on the popular and international abbreviations, and their complete form should be written one time in the text along with the abbreviation in the parentheses.
5. In the case of submitted diagrams, illustrations and tables It is necessary to note the following points: Having full resolution, inserting them on separate pages, indicating the number and title at the top of the tables and below the charts, images of people should not be identifiable, observing JPEG or GIF form for images. Also the number of charts, pictures and tables of each article should not be more than 3.
6. Inserting the Running page under the title, it shouldn’t exceed 40 characters.
7. The article should be written in one column, in the form of single line in the middle (1.5 cm indentation) on A4 paper with 2.5 cm margins on every side. It should be typed with Microsoft Word 2007 software. B Nazanin font should be used for Persian typing, the font size for titles should be 12 and the text font size should be 11. For English, Times New Roman font should be used, font size 12 for titles and 11 for the abstract text. The name of the file should be noted.
8. The author/authors of the article are responsible for the accuracy and authenticity of the article.
9. The time between conducting the study to its submission shouldn't exceed more than 3 years.
10. The Journal reserves the right to reject, accept, modify, edit and summarize the articles.
11. In addition to mentioning the obtained written informed-consent form in the paper, observing ethical principles based on the Helsinki-Tokyo Accords about clinical studies in humans and its approval by the ethics committee of the institution where the research was conducted, is required.
12. Publishing the contents of the journal is not permitted unless when mentioning the Torbat Heidariyeh University of Medical Sciences Quarterly Journal as the source.
13. Submitted articles derived from theses or approved projects have priority.
14. The submitted articles should be within the fields prescribed by the Journal and should be of educational or research aspect. They must contain the result of the author's or authors' research work.
15. Tracking the process of checking and arbitration of the papers submitted to the Journal by the authors is possible only through the website.
16. After acknowledgment of receipt, the article will be evaluated by three peer judges, the judges comments will be reviewed on the editorial board and the final decision will be made.
17. After the approval of the editor and the editorial board, the article will be in priority of being published.
18. The Author of the article is responsible for the accuracy and authenticity of the article contents.
Bibliography writing style
Resource writing for the Torbat Medical Science University Journal should be prepared and submitted based on the Vancouver Style and in the format of EndNote application. All resources should be written in English; Persian resources should be transcribed in English.
The followings are the examples of right way of resource writing:
Persian Article
Surname, initial of author (s), (6 persons should be noted then et al should be written for the rest). Article title, journal name, year of publication, volume release, journal no., page numbers
English articles
Ghiasvand AM, Naderi M, Tafreshi MZ, Ahmadi F, Hosseini M. Relationship between time management skills and anxiety and academic motivation of nursing students in Tehran. Electronic Physician. 2017;9(1):3678.
Non-English articles
Rakhshanderou S, Garagani ZG, Tavassoli E, Ghaffari M, Roushani M, Hamidzadeh N. HIV/AIDS-related knowledge and perceptions among medical students in Isfahan University of Medical Sciences: a theory-based cross-sectional study. Journal of Health in the Field. 2017;1(3).(In Persian)
[Surname, Author' (s') initials, book title, Edition, place of publication, Publisher, Year of publication, page numbers.]
Higgins D. Horizons: The poetics and theory of the intermedia. Illinois: Southern Illinois University Press: 1984
A chapter of a book
[Surname, Chapter name, book author (s) initials, book title, Edition, place of publication, Publisher, Year of publication, Number of pages.]
Blaxter M. Social class and health inequalities. In: Carter C, Peel J, editors. Equalities and inequalities in health. London: Academic Press, 1976; 369–380.
Article in Electronic version
Reid DB. Australasian association of doctors’ health advisory services. Med J Australia [serial online]. 2005 [cited 2006 Mar 28];182(5):255. Available from: Health and Medical Complete

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