Volume 3, Issue 4 (1-2016)                   jmsthums 2016, 3(4): 25-31 | Back to browse issues page

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Golmakani N, Soltani M, Ghayour Mobarhan M, Mazloom S R. The Relationship between Nausea and Vomiting in Pregnant women with Social Support and Marital Satisfaction . jmsthums 2016; 3 (4) :25-31
URL: http://jms.thums.ac.ir/article-1-276-en.html
1- School of Nursing and Midwifery
2- Medical School
Abstract:   (9548 Views)

Background & Aim: Nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy is a problem that is hard to bear for pregnant women. This problem not only endangers the mothers' physical health but also their mental health and social and family functions. This study aimed to determine the relationship between social support and marital satisfaction with nausea and vomiting in pregnant women.

Methods: This descriptive study conducted on 60 pregnant women referred to a midwifery unit of Daneshamooz and Ahmadi health centers Mashhad city. Data were collected using standard tools and analyzed by SPSS version 16. The significance level was considered as p <0.05.

Results: The mean age and the pregnancy age of subjects were 27.2±4.8 and 8.8±1.63, respectively. There was a moderate inverse relationship between marital satisfaction and nausea, vomiting and gagging (p=0.007, r=-0.343). However, there was no significant correlation between social support and the total score of nausea, vomiting and gagging (p˃0.05). Conclusion: Due to the remarkable relationship between nausea and vomiting in pregnancy with marital satisfaction, it is recommended to improve prenatal care to reduce nausea and vomiting in pregnancy, and subsequently, increase in marital satisfaction.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2016/02/12 | Accepted: 2016/09/3 | Published: 2016/10/8

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