Delshad Noghabi A, darabi F, Moshki M. The Impact of Education on the Basis of the Theory of Planned Behavior on the Level and Method of Supervision of Their Parents on Watching Television by Students. jmsthums 2014; 1 (4) :7-17
Abstract: (18248 Views)
Background and Aim: Currently TV is a medium used by all family members and especially children. Excessive an dun controlled use of television by children expose
them to some risks such developmental, social and psychological disorders. With regard to the
important role of parents in their children's education and control of
effective parameters on their children’s health promotion,
this study aimed to determine the impact of education on the
basis of the theory of planned behavior
on the level and method of supervision of their parents on watching television by students in 2012.Material and Methods: This quasi-experimental
study was performed on 120 parents of students of the first
grade and the fifth grade of primary schools in Gonabad who were randomly
assigned into two interventional and control groups. Demographic
and research information related to theory structures of planned behavior, knowledge
and parents
function and hours of
television watch in gby children were collected by using a self-report
question nairesat
the time of intervention
and one month later. Content Validity Ratio (CVR), Content Validity Index (CVI),panel
of experts and its reliability for psychometric questionnaires were taken into
account. Intervention was implemented with a teaching manual “children and
parents of students in the intervention group in four groups of 15 people using
group discussion focused on the theory structural of planned behavior. The data were analyzed usingSPSS-20softwareand
Paired T-test, Independent T- test, Mann-Whitney, Wilcox on statistical tests.Results: Before the intervention, there was no significant difference between the two groups in terms of
demographic variables,
the average hours of watching television
by children, parents knowledge score and the mean of theory structures of
planned behavior score. But after
the intervention, significant differences in the average hours of watching
television by children(from 6.74±2.02 to 4.28±2.40) (P=0.039),knowledge score(from 5.8±2.1to7.7±1.9)
(P= 0.001),attitude structure scores(from 35.5±11.5to48.4±8.9)
(P=0.003),subjective e norm(from 11.8±8.1 to24.5±8.6) (P>0.001)and behavioral intention(from18.6±7.4 to31.8±5.1) (P=0.001)were observed but no
significant changes in the sevariables were observed in the control group.
Conclusion: The result ssuggest that the educational intervention based on
the theory structure of planned behavior can change knowledge, attitude,
subjective norm, and behavioral intention of their parents in monitoring and
controlling their children's television watching and improve the parents
monitoring performance and can result in reducing watching television by their
children. Using this teaching models recommended to improve parenting practices
on other behavioral problems in children.
Type of Study:
Research |
Special Received: 2014/05/18 | Accepted: 2014/08/4 | Published: 2014/09/29