Volume 2, Issue 3 (10-2014)                   jmsthums 2014, 2(3): 62-69 | Back to browse issues page

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Hajavi J, Hasekhi H, Zebardast J. Prevalence of allergic reactions to non-food allergens in residents of Gonabad in 1390. jmsthums 2014; 2 (3) :62-69
URL: http://jms.thums.ac.ir/article-1-131-en.html
Abstract:   (9509 Views)

Background and objective: Some people had allergy to different materials and these patients they experience some clinical appearances after contact specific allergen had seen. With the epidemiological rising in allergy to the non-alimentary allergens, we want to assessment the allergic reactions ‘frequency to non- alimentary allergens among native population and universities ‘students in Gonabad.
Method: This cross- sectional study was carrying out in the city of Gonabad in 1390. In this article, we assessed the 339 patients of native population that resident in Gonabad and universities ‘students, according to the Gonabad census population. ISAAC questionnaire that changed with native qualification was used for determination. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS version 16. The Chi-Square test was used for comparison of qualitative variables between two groups and T-Test for quantitative comparison was calculated.

Results: 339 participate in study were, 57.2% native population of Gonabad population, 35.4% native of khorasan population and 7.4% non- native of khorasan population. The frequency of males was 152 with mean age of 25.1 and females 187 with mean age of 21.1. The frequency of more common allergen were to dust(40.7%),spore(28.3%),sweep (25.4%),cold(15.9%),deodorant(14.5%),death insect(14.2%), makeup instruments(6.2%).

Conclusion: We have found that more allergies under the 20 y, in the participant were to the cold (25.4%), dust (10%) and spore (6.5%). except the allergy to the cold, prevalence allergy to other allergies in females, in present study,  are more than men.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General
Received: 2014/11/12 | Accepted: 2015/05/30 | Published: 2016/02/21

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