Volume 5, Issue 1 (4-2017)                   jmsthums 2017, 5(1): 26-31 | Back to browse issues page

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Kabirian A, Abedian Z, Mazloum S R, Kabirian M. The effect of self-care behaviors based on evidence-based education on the severity of dysmenorrhea amongst girls. jmsthums 2017; 5 (1) :26-31
URL: http://jms.thums.ac.ir/article-1-410-en.html
1- IAU medical college
2- Mashhad University of Medical Sciences
3- Torbat Heyadriyeh University of Medical Sciences
Abstract:   (8103 Views)

Background & Aim: Menstrual Distress is widespread amongst women in fertility age. Awareness about self-caring behaviors regarding menstrual stress and trying to acquire the same based on experimental education must be considered as an important subject in the health system. Thus, this research was carried out in 2016 with the aim of studying the effect of self-caring behaviors taught to the girls about menstrual pain.

Methods: This research is a quasi- experimental study carried out on 74 college girls with dysmenorrhea who were residing the dormitories of the Azad University of Mashhad. The research units were randomly divided into two groups of control and sample. Self-behavioral scales and visual scales of pain were completed during and after the stages of intervention. The data were analyzed by SPSS software and statistical testing.

Results: The average grade of self-caring behavior of the exam group, in the second stage of follow up increased to a great extent (80.4+/-11.0 compared to 105.8+/-8.9) (p=0.005) while the average level of pain in the first scale of menstruation did not show much difference (p=0.309) but the second scale of follow up for the level of pain in the education group was (x=3.1+/-0.5) compared to the control group (x=5.5+/-1.7), showing a notable reduction (p=0.0001).

Conclusion: By taking action based on the findings, we could play an important role in the promotion of self-caring behaviors. A change in the manner of teenagers due to self-caring behaviors could also reduce the pain of menstruation and could prove helpful in improving the health of the girls suffering from dysmenorrhea.

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Type of Study: Applicable | Subject: General
Received: 2017/06/17 | Accepted: 2017/06/17 | Published: 2017/06/22

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